Welcome to Engineers Week 2020! We’re excited the spend the week highlighting some of our top-notch engineers, their most memorable projects, and what they’re excited about for the future of active transportation. These passionate, talented engineers – at all stages in their careers – are what makes Toole Design so successful. Inspired to join them? Check out our job board – we have several positions open now, all across the country.
Q&A with Rob Pinckney, P.E. |
Director of Civil Engineering, Mid-Atlantic
Tell us about your job here at Toole Design. What kind of projects do you work on, and what is your role?
One of the best things about engineering is that every day brings new challenges. It is very seldom that my day goes the way that I envision when I turn on my computer in the morning, but I’m perfectly fine with that. As a result, my role changes on a daily (and sometimes hourly basis!) but overall, my focus is on sharing my experiences developing construction documents with our design team.
Why did you become an engineer?
I think this may be a pretty common response from engineers, but I was strong in math & science during middle and high school and enjoyed solving problems utilizing those strengths. Civil engineering and more specifically, transportation engineering, really appealed to me because what we do directly impacts so many people on a daily basis.
What made you want to work at Toole Design?
My personal interest in active transportation has been growing in parallel with my professional career. I had the opportunity to work on a few active transportation projects in the past so when we relocated to the Washington, DC area, Toole Design was the obvious top choice. There are so many smart and passionate people here that are willing to share their knowledge.
Tell us about a project you’ve worked on here that you’ve found particularly exciting, interesting, or innovative.
We have so many interesting and unique projects that makes it difficult to pick just one, but the Capital Crescent Surface Trail is certainly one that jumps to mind. I’m impressed with the job that Laura Barna and the design team has been doing on this project for so many years and they deserve a ton of credit. For me, the opportunity to work on a project that is two blocks from your apartment, part of your daily bike commute, and involves one of the nation’s busiest trails is super exciting.
Why does this work matter to you?
I love feeling like we are making a difference in the quality of people’s lives and not just getting them from point A to point B as quickly as possible.
What is the most exciting trend you see with active transit right now?
Much of my career has been focused on the final design and construction of projects and there was typically very little funding that was directed towards active transit. However, that trend has changed, and I think Toole Design has been instrumental in creating that change. It’s exciting to see projects that Toole Design planned or provided concept design for years ago now become a reality in final design and construction.
How have the New E’s factored into your work at Toole Design?
I have had many years of exposure to the traditional Es and working at Toole Design has really opened my eyes to the New Es and looking at problems through a new lens. I find it both challenging and refreshing to move outside of the realm of stringent guideline based design and into a realm that allows us to consider the challenges of each user type.
What makes Toole Design different than other engineering firms?
I admire the vision and innovation that happens every day at Toole Design. Sitting in the Monday staff meeting and hearing about our various projects is exciting. Being a part of an organization that is genuinely committed to its mission and willing to decline opportunities that don’t fit within that framework is something that you don’t find at all firms.
Tell us about your experience mentoring newer employees.
I’ve had the opportunity to manage staff for quite a few years, and enjoy helping people navigate their career path. Every employee’s personality and approach to achieving their goals is unique, so I try my best to listen and provide mentoring opportunities that best suit them. Having a small part in someone’s development is fulfilling both personally and professionally. I love seeing the development of staff that I mentored over 10 years ago.