Catherine Girves

Principal Planner

Catherine is a Principal Planner in Toole Design’s Columbus office. With two decades of experience in active transportation, she enjoys helping community leaders understand how accommodating our most vulnerable travelers also forwards the important health, safety, and economic goals that all communities have. She has designed and operated multiple award-winning programs to encourage mode shift and has personally taught hundreds of people to lawfully and joyfully get from one place to another by bike. Catherine has a long, rich, and diverse history of participating in the development and implementation of policies to create beloved community.

Catherine has received numerous local, regional, and national awards for her work in community engagement and transportation including the WTS Innovate Transportation Solutions Award (2009) and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals’ Non-Profit Professional of the Year in (2019).

When not attending meetings (her super power) or riding bikes, Catherine surrounds herself with the brilliant thinking of writers, artists, activists, friends and family members who help her figure out what role she gets to play on a day to day basis in the eradication of racism and towards full human liberation.