James Elliott, AICP
Senior Planner
Jim is a senior planner with more than 15 years of experience in multimodal transportation planning. His experience includes leadership roles in accessible design and planning, pedestrian and bicycle master planning, pedestrian and bicycle count programs, and Safe Routes to School and Vision Zero programs. Jim has also contributed to Complete Streets design guidelines and to national-level research for FHWA, NHTSA, NCHRP, and AASHTO.
As a person with a visual impairment that prevents him from driving, Jim is acutely aware of the challenges people with visual impairments face in the built environment. He has played a key role in several national-level pedestrian and bicycle research projects to investigate ways to make innovative street designs like shared streets, separated bike lanes, and roundabouts more accessible to people with vision disabilities.
Outside the office, Jim is busy with two boys, who are almost as enthusiastic about cruising the neighborhood by bike as he is.