Will Haynes, PE, PTOE

Transportation Engineering Group Manager

William specializes in traffic safety and operations and maintenance of traffic. Throughout his career, his work has focused on improving multimodal access and safety, promoting a greater emphasis on addressing the needs of all users in the built environment, as well as during construction activities. During his tenure in the public sector, he served as a Traffic Division Chief, which allowed him to oversee citywide traffic operations and narrow the gap between public agencies and the communities they serve. He also spent a considerable portion of his career working in pedestrian and bicycle safety, providing oversight and program management at state and county levels focused on analyzing safety for non-motorized traffic and developing and implementing effective countermeasures. William has also overseen maintenance of traffic design and field implementation for multiple large scale, complex construction projects in the National Capitol Region, which has allowed him to further his focus on multimodal safety and access, and engagement with impacted communities.

In his spare time, William enjoys sports, hiking, and bird watching, and spends time on initiatives that focus on transportation equity for historically underserved communities through his participation in professional organizations.