Yvonne Kaczor, PE, P.Eng

Engineering Augmentation Team Manager

Since 2007, Yvonne has been a Professional Engineer passionate about tackling transportation challenges through research, planning, operations, and design. She loves active transportation, transit,  green/living infrastructure, Complete Streets, landscape design, transportation demand management, multimodal transportation planning, context-sensitive solutions and innovation in transportation. She avoids a “one size” fits all approach by designing streets for all ages and abilities, which means not only designing for vehicles but also for those who walk, cycle, take transit, or carpool. It makes people healthier, safer, and happier, improves the local economy, and brings communities closer together. She believes that different modes of transportation and urban planning can be part of the solution to many of the problems we face in our modern world.

Outside of work, Yvonne likes fitness and working out, hiking, and sailing with her husband and three boys.