Project Summary

When the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, AL wanted to expand the multimodal transportation network in the region, they turned to Toole Design to create a roadmap. The B-Active Plan provides suggestions for active transportation connections between critical destinations, with a focus on the number of people walking and biking, rather than miles of facilities. Local media outlets picked up on the B-Active brand almost immediately, and the name is now embedded in the local lexicon as a synonym for biking, walking, and making healthy choices.

Since its adoption in March 2019, the B-Active Plan has led to the construction of multiple proposed bicycle and trail facilities across the region. Yearly updates on the state of the network can be found on the B-Active Plan website.

Expertise Applied

The B-Active Plan will increase the number of people walking and biking in the region, provide a path to better walkable and bikable connections between critical origins and destinations, and recommend projects that are achievable.
The B-Active moniker has quickly become synonymous with biking, walking, and making healthy choices in the Birmingham region.
B-Active is now part of the local lexicon and will live well beyond the planning process.
Innovative data gathering techniques, such as pop-up outreach on trails, combined with stakeholder meetings and online surveys to inform the plan's content.

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