Lincoln Avenue Traffic Safety Improvements
Milwaukee, WI
Project Summary
The City of Milwaukee is dedicated to creating safer streets — and they know that starts with identifying the most dangerous places for people walking and biking. After completing the Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan (2019), which included a Pedestrian High Injury Network (HIN), the Toole Design Team continued our partnership with the City to put recommended safety improvements in the ground.
Since the adoption of the 2019 Plan, the City has implemented pedestrian safety improvements along 26 miles of streets that were identified in the HIN. As part of that rollout, Toole Design led the final design for Lincoln Avenue, an East-West arterial spanning 2.5 miles long and home to schools, parks, and small-scale retail. Our designs included treatments such as high visibility crosswalks, median crossing islands, curb extensions, and added stop signs. We didn’t stop at pedestrian features — we also added a separated bike lane to sections of the corridor. The best part? Most of this permanent construction used quick-build techniques, so it was implemented at low cost and on a short timeline.
We also recently completed the Milwaukee Comprehensive Crash Analysis, which takes a deeper dive into all crashes, not just those involving pedestrians. This analysis provides the City with a better understanding of where crashes are happening on their streets for people walking, biking, and driving, and it serves as a prioritization tool to help them make decisions.
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