This is where we share insightful commentary and cutting-edge research from Toole Design’s forward-thinking staff. We may even brag a little about our work when it is recognized by our peers.
Boston to Implement Toole Design Group’s Protected Bike Lane Design
National Planning Excellence Award for Boston Complete Streets Design Guidelines
The 15th Annual National Bike Summit
Toole Design Staff Launch Denver Chapter APBP
Rob Burchfield, P.E. Joins Toole Design Group
RJ Eldridge Promoted to Chief Operating Officer
Alia Anderson Promoted to Planning Director for the Mid-Atlantic Region
Ciara Sclichting Appointed to Board of Directors
Toole Design Staff Get Electrified at the Green Commuter Bicycle Shop
Institute of Transportation Engineers Best Project Award
Ian Lockwood Joins Toole Design Group
Toole Design Group Attends Champions of Change Event