Minneapolis Vision Zero Action Plan
Minneapolis, MN
Project Summary
Minneapolis, MN’s Minneapolis Vision Zero Action Plan outlines concrete steps that the City will take as part of its goal of ending traffic deaths and injuries by 2027. The Action Plan includes 16 strategies and 72 specific actions, with highlights including reducing speed limits, making safety improvements on High Injury Streets, addressing leading unsafe traffic behaviors, and exploring automated traffic enforcement. We’re proud to have supported the City in this effort by providing national best practices and assisting with community engagement and production of the Action Plan, which was approved by the Minneapolis City Council in December of 2019.
Vision Zero provides a collective goal that the City works on collaboratively across multiple departments with community members and partner agencies. Together, we work to build a culture that prioritizes safety over speed supported by safe street designs and other measures.Minneapolis Vision Zero Action Planpg. 5

The City of Minneapolis officially became a Vision Zero city in September 2017 when the City Council passed a resolution setting a goal of eliminating traffic deaths and injuries within 10 years. (Minneapolis is one of more than 35 Vision Zero cities in the United States.) Previously conducted crash analysis showed that red light running, distracted driving, and speeding were among the unsafe behaviors that needed to be addressed.
Toole Design and the City created a Vision Zero Action Plan, informed by extensive public engagement and national best practices. The Plan includes solutions that address traffic deaths and serious injuries regardless of mode, and it focused on the needs of underserved and underrepresented communities in Minneapolis.