Our Offices
Atlanta, GA
470.800.9525 -
Austin, TX
6705 W Highway 290, Suite 607, PMB 1035Austin, TX 78735Nan Jiang, PhD, PE, PMP, RSP1 | Data Science Practice Lead | Interim Austin Office Director737.276.3188 -
Boston, MA
617.619.9910 -
Columbus, OH
20 East Broad Street, Suite 400Columbus, OH 43215David Shipps, AICP | Columbus Office Director | Owner614.407.9122 -
Denver, CO
700 17th Street, Suite 2300Denver, CO 80202Trung Vo, PE, AICP | Denver Office Director | Senior Planner | Owner720.204.7061 x551 -
Kansas City, MO
816.301.6510 -
Los Angeles, CA*
213.257.8680 -
Madison, WI
608.663.8082 -
Minneapolis, MN
612.584.4094 -
Oakland, CA*
510.298.0740 -
Orlando, FL
Office: 407.214.6436 | Andrea Ostrodka: 407.421.2432 | Ian Lockwood: 407.496.2529 -
Philadelphia, PA
1315 Walnut Street, Suite 1124Philadelphia, PA 19107Carrie Long, AICP | Philadelphia Office Director267.996.5285 -
Pittsburgh, PA
412.990.3312 x458 -
Portland, OR
503.205.4607 -
Raleigh, NC*
919.336.5010 -
Seattle, WA
206.297.1601 -
Silver Spring, MD – Headquarters
8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 800Silver Spring, MD 20910Cipriana D. Patterson, PE, PTOE | Director of Operations, Mid-Atlantic Region301.927.1900 -
Spartanburg, SC
* In California, all professional services are provided by Toole Design’s affiliate TDG Engineering, Inc. and its CA licensed engineers. In Connecticut, Michigan, and New York, all professional services are provided by Toole Design’s affiliate Transportation Engineering Design, DPC and its licensed engineers in CT, MI, and NY. In North Carolina, all professional services are provided by Toole Design’s affiliate Transportation Design Group, LLP.
Toole Design Group, LLC ensures non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact admin@tooledesign.com or call 301.927.1900.