Meet Us in Portland for ITE 2023

Toole Design will have a strong presence at the 2023 Joint ITE International Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Portland, OR, on August 13–16. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) conference brings together ITE members from a variety of disciplines and locations around the world to share innovative tools, technologies, and best practices. The goal, according to this year’s theme, is “connecting people and communities,” and Toole Design staff are excited to share how we’re doing just that.

ITE has assembled a packed and informative program — it’s not too late to register — and Portland is the perfect backdrop to explore solutions to many of today’s transportation issues. We encourage you to connect with Toole Design staff at the sessions below, starting with a plenary presentation from our President Jennifer Toole on creating people-oriented communities. Our contributions include the latest thinking on integrating accessibility into bicycle facility design as well as showcasing Vision Zero success stories. We conclude on Wednesday with an important contribution to climate solutions: a presentation on trails as resilient infrastructure featuring a forthcoming FHWA publication on the topic.

We look forward to sharing and learning with you!

Tuesday, August 15

In this plenary panel session, Jennifer Toole joins an esteemed panel of industry experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges of delivering transportation solutions that enhance communities.

In Advanced Bike Treatments for Improved Safety, Multimodal Design Practice Lead Jeremy Chrzan will share guidance for pedestrian accessibility along separated bike lanes. Seattle Office Director Dustin DeKoekkoek will present about the Pike Pine Streetscape Improvements project.

The Getting to Zero session will be moderated by Project Engineer Alex DuVall and will feature speakers from three U.S. cities as well as Melbourne, Australia.

Wednesday, August 16

In Transportation’s Role in Addressing Climate Change, Health, and Emission Reduction, Landscape Architect Stephanie Weyer will showcase the upcoming FHWA Guide to Trails as Resilient Infrastructure, authored by Toole Design.

In addition to these sessions, we will also be participating in the Optimizing Main Street Sandbox Competition. Best of luck to Sofia Duran, Lila Singer-Berk, and the Toole Design Team!

Please reach out to schedule a time to meet with a Toole Design presenter or a member of our Portland team during the ITE Annual Meeting. We love hearing what our colleagues are working on and what communities are seeking, and we look forward to this opportunity to plant the seeds for a more connected, people-oriented future.

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