Alger Park and Dix Street Green Infrastructure Design
Washington, DC
Project Summary
Toole Design’s engineers and landscape architects worked together to redesign streets in two Washington, DC neighborhoods to maximize stormwater retention, provide aesthetic enhancements, and incorporate pedestrian accessibility and traffic calming measures. Working closely with the District Department of Transportation, we led all aspects of the project from concept design through final construction documents, incorporating large-scale green infrastructure such as permeable pavement and bioretention basins, and a street design that encourages slow speeds.

Toole Design retrofitted areas in Ward 7 with stormwater retention using DDOT’s green infrastructure, low-impact development, and stormwater best management practices.

The green infrastructure facilities traffic calming measures included permeable pavers along parking lanes and an alley, bioretention curb extensions that included ADA-compliant curb ramps, and a raised intersection design.