Professional Publications Feature Toole Design Staff

Ribbon-cuttings, ground-breakings, and plan adoptions are always exciting stories to share. Less glamorous, but equally important, is the work that goes into creating the body of research, writing, and learning that underpins everything that we do. In the last week or two, Toole Design staff have been featured in professional journals of the American Planning Association, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and Transportation Research.

Edmonton-based Laura Cabral recently completed a Masters in Transportation Engineering and authored “An Empirical Reappraisal of the Four Types of Cyclists”. Her research was presented at the annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board in January and has just been published in Transportation Research Part A, an Elsevier journal focused on transportation planning, policy and practice. (Link works with Internet Explorer)

Laura’s related work on developing a low stress bikeway network in Edmonton was picked up by the University of Alberta’s Folio magazine in this recent article.

Michael Blau and Jesse Boudart both have articles in the American Planning Association’s influential State of Transportation Planning, 2020 – a 400-page immersion into current hot topics in the industry. Blau’s timely contribution is “Land Use, Transportation, and Health Workshops in Ohio: Cross-Sector Conversations Centered on Equity”, a recap of important lessons learned from a series of workshops hosted by the Ohio Department of Health. Meanwhile, Jesse Boudart teamed up with Russell Pildes, an Associate at EPB, to discuss “Carrots vs. Sticks in Transport Policy”. The State of Transportation Planning is only available to APA members; contact Michael and/or Jesse directly to get a copy of their work.

Finally, Ryan Martinson has put his artistic skills to good use again for the Institute of Transportation Engineers. This time, he has illustrated a timely resource for every parent trying to entertain home-school budding engineers during lockdown…a transportation scavenger hunt for traffic-related signs, markings, and roadway features for three different STEM age-groups.


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