We are looking forward to this year’s Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) Conference, being held August 22–24 in Minneapolis, MN. Toole Design staff will be celebrating some exciting recent projects, including the creation of the award-winning Safer Streets Priority Finder and the Kansas Active Transportation Plan. We’ll also be leading two workshops: a participatory session on equitable approaches to planning and implementation, and a mobile tour of the Capital City Bikeway. And don’t miss the Toole Design reception at our Minneapolis office on Monday evening!
In addition to our involvement as presenters, we are proud to support the APBP Conference as a Silver sponsor. Stop by our booth to say hello, learn more about our work, and get some Toole Design swag. Haven’t registered for the conference yet? It’s not too late to register to attend—and become an APBP member while you’re at it!
monday, AUGUST 22
Jeremy Chrzan, along with K.C. Atkins, Hennepin County Public Works, will share insights and practical examples for designing separated bike lanes that maintain safe and accessible paths for people with disabilities, especially at bus stops and crossings.
Toole Design staff will lead an interactive, fully participatory series of role-playing exercises to explore opportunities to use an equity framework in all stages of project development and implementation.
Join us for the Toole Design APBP Reception on Monday night! Come enjoy games, snacks, and refreshments with Toole Design staff from across the country, local pedestrian and bicycle professionals, and fellow conferees.
Catherine Girves will explore the opportunities for radical change to the public realm and urban infrastructure by removing or minimizing the presence of urban highways.
Take a walk along the Capital City Bikeway with the urban designers, planners, and engineers that collaborated to design this network of pedestrian and bicycle friendly streets to and through Downtown Saint Paul. This walk will highlight a variety of separated bikeway treatments, protected intersections with bicycle signals, stormwater best management practices, urban design elements, redevelopment sites, and points of interest along the way. The history of the Capital City Bikeway project will be shared on the LRT ride to St. Paul.
Jenny Kramer, Kansas DOT; Jared Tremblay, Flint Hills MPO; and Mary Marrow, Seed 2 Roots, will describe how development of the first statewide active transportation plan in Kansas inspired collaboration across agencies, disciplines, and communities to move active transportation projects forward. The Toole Design Team, managed by Tammy Sufi, led the consulting side of the project.
Ciara Schlichting, along with Jessica Schoner, Safe Streets Research & Consulting, and Dan Jatres, City of New Orleans, will introduce participants to the Safer Streets Priority Finder, an open-source data analysis tool that can help agencies of all sizes embrace the Safe System approach to traffic safety… just in time for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program that incentivizes such an approach.
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our Minneapolis Toole Design office, we’re excited to gather with you at the conference, share the work we’ve done in and around the Twin Cities so far, and keep moving forward together. See you there!