This is where we share insightful commentary and cutting-edge research from Toole Design’s forward-thinking staff. We may even brag a little about our work when it is recognized by our peers.
Toole Design at TRB 2018
New Information on FHWA IA-21: Interim Approval for RRFBs
Toole Design Opens New Office in Columbus, OH; David Shipps Hired as Director
An Accessible Approach to Shared Streets
FTA and FHWA Collaborating on Better Access to Transit
Denver Takes Action on Vision Zero
Toole Design Group welcomes Addie Weber
Taking on a (National Bike) Challenge
PfB Brings Bicycle Network Analysis Tools to Your Community
Improve your Summer Reading List with Transportation Titles from Toole Design
ITE Journal Features Westlake Cycle Track
From Concept to Construction